Lowongan Kerja Telkomsel
Tanggal Dipublish: 29 September 2024Baca: kamu harus mulai menjalin silaturahmi dengan orang-orang penting yang memiliki pekerjaan saat kamu cari kerja. Belajar dari pengalaman, saya memiliki beberapa rekan orang-orang penting seperti manajer café, manajer production radio, pemilik perusahaan properti dan lain-lain. Saat melakukan interaksi dan komunikasi, beberapa di antara mereka pernah menawarkan sejumlah pekerjaan dan bahkan ada yang merekomendasikan saya untuk bekerja di perusahaan mereka.
Dengan begitu, kamu bisa mendapatkan sejumlah informasi penting terkait pekerjaan yang ditawarkan, termasuk perihal gaji sekalipun karena kamu sudah akrab dengan orang-orang penting tadi. Jadi, kamu tidak perlu susah susah cari kerja lagi dan tidak harus bersaing dengan pelamar lainnya.
Saat ini Telkomsel menggelar lebih dari 84 ribu BTS yang akan mencakup sekitar 98% wilayah populasi di Indonesia. Telkomsel telah menjadi operator selular terbesar ke-6 di dunia dalam jumlah pelanggan. Telkomsel merupakan pimpinan pasar telekomunikasi di Indonesia yang telah melayani lebih dari 139 juta pelanggan pada tahun 2014. Telkomsel bekerja pada jaringan 900/1.800 MHz, dengan tiga produk GSM, yaitu simPATI dan Karu AS (Prabayar) serta kartuHALO (Pascabayar).
Saat ini Telkomsel kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru pada bulan September 2022. Telkomsel yang saat ini sedang mencari atau menginginkan kandidat terbaik dengan kualifikasi yang sesuai dan cocok untuk posisi penempatan. Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir Anda bersama Telkomsel.
Lowongan Kerja PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) Terbaru 2022
About the Role:
- Telkomsel continues to grow in the digital world. To help achieve our mission, we develop Telkomsel UI/UX Digital Prodigy Team that consist of three different roles: UX Researcher, UX Designer, and UI Designer.
- We are working with various business and support units within the whole Telkomsel to educate and implement design thinking process internally and designing products that meets our customer needs and giving satisfaction to them as well. You may be familiar with our work at MyTelkomsel, Telkomsel.com, Telkomsel Orbit, by.U, Kuncie, and many others. As the product grows and develops, we need reinforcements to help us achieve our mission. We're looking for great talent to fill in several positions: UI/UX Lead, UX Researcher, UX Designer, and UI Designer.
UI/UX Lead
- As a UI/UX Lead you will act as a business partner who build relationships with the project owners related to UI/UX development.
- You will collaborate with Product Owner for identifying resource needs and assigning resources to the projects.
- need to translate business requirements to short brief to our specialists.
- Oversee the design process of projects to ensure all requirements are met. And make sure the research and design output are up to our standard.
- You will be responsible in managing UI/UX Specialists (UX Researcher, UX Designer, and UI Designer), including developing and nurturing them to keep up with the latest knowledge and trends to maximize their growth capability.
- fixing the structure, process, team collaboration, sourcing, hiring great talent, and other managerial and administrative stuff.
UX Researcher
- UX Researcher is expected to become the user advocate.
- Collect information, needs, pain points and aspirations from our users, and ensure that every idea and solution that the team provides is suitable for our users.
- Providing insights and recommendation about our users to guide product development.
- Technical research skill including planning, suitable methodology, creating scenarios, conduct and synthesis.
- You need to advocate user-centric mindset and design thinking process to our stakeholders.
UX Designer
- Convert from insights and recommendation to product idea is your main objective.
- Get involved end-to-end project phases, from understanding phase, gather insight, ideation, designing, and every other step that require to solve user’s problem and meet business goals.
- The output of this role are concept design, but sometimes you need to produce artefact design as well.
- You will be the one who set and lead most of the collaborative stuff such as ideation, brainstorm, design review, etc.
UI Designer
- Design craftmanship will be your core strength.
- You will convert low fidelity or concept, into artefact design.
- Improve user interface of Telkomsel’s product with well-defined principles.
- This role requires a strong visual style and consistency, also great documentation and design system skills.
- Prototyping and presentation skills also needed in this role. Collaborate with UX Designer to produce neat design documentation to final hand-off to engineering.
- You have at least 2-6 years in the product design field for all positions.
- For UI/UX lead, experienced in leading and managing design team also required.
- Portfolio demonstrated the way you think to solve problems with deep understanding of project, Human-Centered practice, methods, and impact of the projects.
- Good knowledge in research and design fundamental (Planning, Design thinking, desk research, methodology, information architecture, ux writing, visual design, testing, etc).
- Excellent communication, collaboration, and negotiation skills at all level of scale.
- Proficiency using various tools for research, design, and prototyping.
Sebelum mengirimkan lamaran kerja diwajibkan untuk membaca keseluruhan informasi Lowongan Kerja Telkomsel.
Sebelum mengirimkan lamaran kerja diwajibkan untuk membaca keseluruhan informasi Lowongan Kerja Telkomsel.
Jika Tertarik dan Memenuhi Kualifikasi dari Lowongan ini, Subscribe T.ME/OPENKERJA
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Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dihubungi untuk tahap seleksi lebih lanjut.
Seluruh proses tahapan seleksi TIDAK DIPUNGUT BIAYA APAPUN.
Batas Lamaran: Segera/Secepatnya | Link: http://bit.ly/ok-1019 |
Perhatian: Kami tidak pernah meminta imbalan atau biaya dalam bentuk apapun terhadap rekrutmen disitus ini apabila ada pihak yang mengatasnamakan kami atau perusahaan meminta biaya seperti transportasi atau akomodasi atau yang lainnya bisa dipastikan itu PALSU.